Customs Clearance: Frequently Asked Questions

Customs is a complicated world. Most people don’t extend their businesses simply because customs clearance is such a messy process. However, nowadays many clearance companies offer customs clearance services. Shipping goods across borders is now easier than ever. 

But, if you are entering into the world of exports and imports, you really need to be aware of it. It’s a complicated world that can engulf you, which is why most businesses never become international. This article will answer some of the most frequently asked questions regarding customs clearance. 

  • Is customs clearance compulsory?

Yes, it is compulsory for anything you ship across international borders. Every shipment has to go through a comprehensive customs clearance process, involving the checking of documents, goods, and much more. 

  • What is the purpose of customs clearance?

The purpose of customs clearance is to ensure that nothing illegal crosses international borders. Also, customs clearance enables governments to tax goods that cross or enter their borders. 

  • How long does it take for shipments to get cleared?

Well, it depends on the type of shipment. Shipments that are bigger take more time to get cleared. Also, shipments that contain sensitive goods take more time. 

Although customs clearance has specific predefined steps, your shipment clearance time is unpredictable. It can take 20 minutes, and it can also take weeks.   

  • Do shipments get stuck in customs?

Yes, quite frequently. Usually, it is because of incomplete documents, illegal goods, or unauthorized shippers. Your goods can also get delayed due to customs clearance. 

That’s why you need to have expert brokers on your side. Clearit USA customs clearance services can help you out in this regard by ensuring that your shipments get cleared fast and on time. 

  • Can customs clearance hold your shipment?

Yes, customs clearance can hold your shipment. However, just because they hold it doesn’t mean it got stuck. 

Usually, customs authorities will hold your shipment if it exceeds the value allowed to import or export. Your shipment can also be held in the port at which it arrives if it is busy at the moment. 

  • Are there any customs charges for shipments?

Yes, for most international shipments there are specified charges. Usually, the receiving country determines these charges. The amount you pay usually depends upon the nature and value of your goods as well as their quantity. 

  • Is it good to have a customs broker on your side?

Yes, it is absolutely necessary. Having a competent broker on your side will make the process much easier, simpler, and faster for you. 


Customs clearance is not optional when it comes to exporting or importing goods across borders. It is usually a very complicated process, but competent brokers can make it simpler and easier for you.