From good to great: 8 skills of exceptional executive leaders


Being an effective executive leader in today’s world isn’t easy. What worked a decade ago may not be enough to get the job done in this age of disruption and rapid change. Luckily, there are certain skills that successful leaders have honed over time to stay ahead of the competition and lead with confidence, such as excellent communication, high adaptability and agility, strong emotional intelligence, business acumen, creativity, vision and resilient organizational leadership. Developing these key competencies can make all the difference between decent and exceptional performance for those tasked with steering their organizations into the future. In this article, we explore eight must-have skills for today’s executive leaders.

Visionary thinking

Visionary thinking is a skill that enables one to conceive and bring into reality a future that does not exist yet. It necessitates looking beyond the current state of an organization and imagining an inspiring and realizable future. Aspiring executive leaders must consequently cultivate this ability in order to direct their organizations in a constructive manner. 

Having a clear vision is important for the success of an organization because it provides a roadmap for achieving its goals. It can unify the organization’s stakeholders towards a communal cause, and help leaders make informed decisions based on long-term objectives. 

Strategies for developing visionary thinking

Executive leaders can hone their visionary thinking capabilities through multiple tactics. One powerful way to do so is by studying the accomplishments and missteps of other prominent leaders. In this way, executives can gain valuable knowledge and ideas for their own vision.

Executives looking to strengthen their visionary thinking abilities should consider brainstorming and thinking outside of the traditional boundaries. To cultivate innovative and creative ideas, it is important to create a work environment that encourages experimentation, taking calculated risks and an atmosphere of continual learning. When fostering a culture of creativity and innovation, executive leaders are able to inspire their teams to come up with original concepts and solutions that can help drive the organization forward.

Staying informed about industry trends, economic projections and technological breakthroughs is another effective way to hone visionary thinking for executive leaders. Doing so allows them to proactively prepare their organizations for whatever the future may hold, arming them with the knowledge necessary to successfully navigate changing market conditions and stay competitive.

Lastly, gaining exposure to unique perspectives and insights is essential for executive leaders. By attending conferences, joining industry associations and signing up for leadership development programs, executive leaders are afforded the opportunity to share ideas, acquire learning opportunities and expand their knowledge regarding their industry and market.

Strategic planning

Strategic planning is an essential process for organizations to define their direction and decide how to best use their resources to reach their goals. By creating a long-term plan, allocating available resources and establishing clear objectives, organizations are able to work towards the same end and maintain a competitive edge in today’s business climate. With a well-executed strategy, organizations can adjust to constantly changing market conditions and ensure that their desired outcomes are achieved in the long  run.

Successful strategic plans can have a massive impact on organizations. Apple, for instance, is renowned for its focus on design and innovation, which has resulted in the development of groundbreaking products such as the iPhone, iPad and MacBook. Amazon has also been successful with its strategy to become the world’s top customer-centric company; this has enabled it to reign over the e-commerce domain and expand into new fields.

Executives who want to maximize their strategic planning capabilities should cultivate a combination of analytical thinking, creativity and leadership. To hone these skills, here are some suggested techniques for executive leaders:

  • Conduct a thorough analysis of your organization’s internal and external environment to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
  • Define the organization’s mission, vision and values to provide a clear sense of purpose and direction.
  • Set SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound) goals that align with the organization’s mission and vision.
  • Develop action plans with specific tasks, timelines and responsibilities to achieve the organization’s goals.
  • Monitor progress regularly and make adjustments as needed to ensure that the organization stays on track.
  • Foster a culture of innovation and encourage team members to share their ideas and insights for improving the organization’s strategic plan.

Communication skills

Effective communication is an indispensable tool for executive leaders as it enables them to share their vision, strategy and goals clearly and concisely with team members and stakeholders. Having strong communication skills means being able to convey messages in a way that everyone understands as well as being willing to receive feedback in a constructive manner. Developing these skills can lead to greater trust, transparency and collaboration between all parties, thereby helping organizations realize their objectives.

Executives looking to hone their communication skills need to commit to regular practice and continued growth. Here are some steps they can take to improve upon these capabilities:

  • Listen actively and attentively to others’ ideas and perspectives.
  • Be clear and concise in communicating messages, using simple language that is easily understood.
  • Use a variety of communication methods, such as emails, phone calls, video conferences and face-to-face meetings, to convey messages effectively.
  • Tailor communication styles to suit different audiences and situations, such as using visual aids for presentations or adjusting tone and language for different cultures.
  • Provide feedback in a constructive manner, focusing on specific behaviors and outcomes rather than personal attacks.
  • Develop strong storytelling skills to engage and inspire others, using narratives that connect with the organization’s mission and values.
  • Practice empathy and active listening to understand others’ perspectives and build strong relationships.
  • Seek out feedback from others and continuously improve your communication skills based on the feedback received.

Emotional intelligence

High emotional intelligence is a core asset for successful leadership. It encompasses a set of skills, such as empathy, self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation and interpersonal competency, which enable a leader to develop deeper connections with their team members. Such connections allow them to interpret the needs and grievances of their employees while finding a way to motivate them towards reaching their objectives. Additionally, emotionally intelligent leaders are better equipped to effectively handle unexpected situations, make swift decisions that ensure the success of the organization and adapt quickly when needed.

Some strategies that can help leaders improve their emotional intelligence include:

Practice self-awareness

Invest time in assessing your feelings, triggers and responses. Be open and honest about what you have under control and where you may need to work on yourself. By being honest, it is possible to recognize opportunities for improvement and develop strategies to better navigate certain situations.

Practice self-regulation

Learn how to recognize the signals that prompt an emotional reaction, and employ tactics such as breathing exercises, mindfulness practices or turning to a supportive confidante to help manage them.

Practice empathy

Gaining insight into the thoughts and emotions of others is essential in developing meaningful connections. To truly comprehend their views, it’s important to adopt an active listening approach that entails more than simply hearing what they have to say. Make sure you demonstrate genuine interest in their point of view.

Practice social skills

Build strong relationships with your team members and stakeholders. Communicate effectively, build trust and collaborate on shared goals.

Seek feedback

Ask for feedback from trusted colleagues, mentors or coaches. Be open to constructive criticism and use it as an opportunity to improve.


In order to survive and excel in today’s ever-changing environment, companies must demonstrate the ability to be adaptable. By responding quickly to developments, such as the emergence of new technology, social or financial trends or any kind of unforeseen event, businesses can stay ahead of their competitors and take advantage of profitable opportunities which arise. Having the flexibility and agility to rapidly adjust their processes gives companies a much-needed edge over the competition. Additionally, leaders who show adaptability within the working environment are highly sought after, as they possess the ability to take on new responsibilities, continue building proficiency and grow within their organization.

Here are some strategies for developing adaptability:

Stay informed

Stay informed about the industry to stay ahead of the curve. Be knowledgeable about the latest trends, new technologies and fluctuations in the market to help you strategize accordingly and preemptively adjust to changes.

Consider advancing your education

Pursuing an online MBA program, such as the one offered by Spring Arbor University, is a great way to get ahead and reap a variety of benefits — from developing management skills to expanding your business knowledge, networking, accessing specialized courses, enjoying the convenience of flexible learning and potentially growing your earnings. With programs such as this one, you can develop specialized skills in a range of areas, such as human resource development, organizational consulting and healthcare administration, among others.

Embrace change

Rather than shying away from transformation, view it as a chance to progress and elevate. Welcome fresh concepts and approaches and move away from a more familiar but potentially outdated approach. By doing so, you create the ideal environment for growth and development.

Take on new challenges

Seek out opportunities to take on new responsibilities or roles within your organization. This will help you develop new skills and gain experience in different areas.

Practice flexibility

Be willing to adjust your plans or priorities as needed. This may require you to shift your focus or work on different projects than originally planned.

Learn from failure

Rather than seeing failure as a setback, see it as an opportunity to learn and grow. Reflect on what went wrong and how you can do better next time.

Decision making

Effective decision-making is crucial for leadership success. Leaders who can make sound decisions quickly and confidently can steer their organizations towards success. They can also create a positive work environment by communicating their decisions clearly and involving team members in the decision-making process when appropriate. Good decision-making skills also help leaders to manage risk and uncertainty, which is essential in today’s fast-paced business environment.

To arrive at the best decision, first clearly define the problem or issue that needs attention. Gather all pertinent data and evaluate the outcomes of each potential solution. Involve various stakeholders to gain diverse perspectives and use data and analytics to make more informed choices. Additionally, consider the longer-term impacts, such as the financial, social and environmental effects. After thoroughly reviewing the options, make a decision, then communicate it with clarity. Lastly, review the effectiveness of your decision and determine how the process could be improved in future situations.

Team building

Team building is a vital process for fostering successful teams. It encourages collaboration, strengthens relationships and drives the shared objective of working towards common goals. Through various activities and exercises, team members can better understand each other, build trust and gain respect for one another.

Forming powerful teams is critical to achieving business targets. By working together, teams can accomplish more than individuals, merging diverse perspectives and abilities to tackle complex issues. Additionally, strong teams can create a healthy work atmosphere, lift spirits and increase job fulfillment. These teams also increase productivity, reduce workforce turnover and enhance the company’s public standing.

Leaders can develop their team building skills by:

Setting clear goals and expectations

Define the team’s goals and expectations with absolute clarity. Make sure that everybody understands their individual roles and obligations to the team.

Fostering open communication

Encourage team members to communicate openly and honestly with each other. Create a safe and supportive environment where everyone feels comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas.

Promoting collaboration

Encourage team members to work together and support each other. Promote a culture of collaboration and discourage competition or individualism.

Building trust

Create opportunities for team members to get to know each other on a personal level. This can include team-building activities or social events outside of work.

Providing feedback

Provide regular feedback to team members on their performance. This can help to identify areas for improvement and recognize successes.

Celebrating successes

Celebrate team successes and recognize individual contributions. This can boost morale and create a positive team culture.

Managing conflicts

Address conflicts within the team quickly and fairly. Encourage team members to resolve conflicts through open communication and compromise.

Final word

Wrapping up, it’s clear that honing leadership abilities is critical for achievement in today’s constantly evolving and complicated business ecosystem. To be a successful leader, one must have proficiency in communication, problem-solving, emotional intelligence, adaptability, decision-making and team building. If an individual cultivates these skills, not only can they become an effective leader but they can also advance their careers and increase their company’s success.

Enhancing your leadership abilities can start with taking online courses, attending useful workshops, asking for feedback, honing new behaviors and finding mentors. 

Developing your leadership skills isn’t a one-time event; it’s an ongoing journey that requires hard work, dedication and a drive to constantly better yourself. By cultivating strong leadership qualities, you’re setting yourself up for success in your career and making a positive difference in your workplace and society as a whole.