Your Company’s Digital Accessibility

The digital world is generally acknowledged to have limits, particularly for persons with impairments. One billion individuals are disabled worldwide. Nevertheless, just 2% of websites follow accessibility rules. As more information and services become available online, millions of people continue to suffer. Having rapid access to cutting-edge technology is a tremendous delight. Some see the situation as a nightmare.

Increasing digital accessibility, according to the report, may aid marketing and salespeople. Even though it is not required by law, doing so is ethically correct. When more individuals have access to easy-to-read digital information, sales leads and income may improve. Consequently, many customers are more likely to purchase from businesses that encourage ethical behavior.

Typically, marketing is in charge of a company’s website, external communications, and brand reputation. As a result, sales and marketing personnel must have access to digital data. When they are unaware of how to enhance their digital accessibility systems, a problem occurs. When this occurs, having a team on your side, such as QualityLogic, is advantageous.

Their professionals will assess your present website to see what adjustments are needed. They will advise and train your entire firm on how to increase digital accessibility and develop better web content. With their guidance, your company will develop in more ways than one.

What Is the Significance of Access to Digital Content?

Some ethical and legal reasons for implementing technology and the concept of digital accessibility into website design are as follows:

  • For ADA infractions, fines and other penalties may be applied. Imagine a court ruling that a company’s website is inaccessible to people with disabilities. If this happens, exemplary or other monetary penalties, as well as any appropriate legal fees, may be imposed to correct the problem.
  • One billion individuals, or around 15% of the global population, are blind or have impaired eyesight. Customer loss and the inability to access key services are only two of the negative consequences of unavailable technologies or websites.
  • Both those with and without impairments benefit from digital accessibility. The majority of people will have no difficulty accessing a website that has been created with accessibility in mind.
  • Developing strong customer and staff ties may be aided by building a great business culture. Despite the fact that firms have lately begun to emphasize DEI activities and policies, much more work needs to be done.

What Impact Does Internet Access Have on Your Company?

The purpose of digital accessibility is to make the internet more accessible to all users. Companies that are more digitally inclusive may expand their reach and safeguard the reputations of their brands.

It is both socially and ethically right to prioritize internet access. Almost 61 million people in the United States have visual, hearing, or learning challenges. This highlights the need for numerous clients to have access to or understand many websites, marketing, and social media activity.

Accessibility is also required legally. In recent years, the number of legal cases addressing web accessibility has skyrocketed. Every year, hundreds of these problems arise in the United States alone. All companies are required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to build and maintain websites that are accessible and useful to individuals with disabilities.

It is also crucial to understand how emphasizing accessibility affects the brand’s reputation. Building and maintaining a brand’s reputation is one of the most critical duties for marketing and sales professionals.

Companies are recognized for their exceptional dedication to accessibility and corporate social responsibility. Sixty-two percent of customers want to do business with companies that support charitable causes. 56% of customers are prepared to pay a higher premium for a respectable firm that complies with social standards.

Companies must now donate to causes that they believe in and support. Several businesses in highly competitive industries have learned that publicly stating their commitment to inclusiveness has a major impact. “Aesthetics” should not be used to justify choosing digital accessibility. It would be advantageous if you sought to transition since it is the right thing to do.

Making Your Business More Digitally Accessible

Enhancing your company’s internet accessibility is a never-ending effort, but getting started doesn’t have to be difficult.

Begin by Doing Some Research

Acknowledge the difficulty that your clients are experiencing. Consider yourself to be one of your clients. Recognizing exclusion and its implications is crucial. Learn about problematic users and the challenges they confront as a result of their behavior. Make an attempt to reach out to these users. Ask about the complexity and accessibility of the content.

Make Certain You Have Internal Support

You must do more than repair a few problems on your website to improve digital accessibility. The entire organization must be changed. Create an interdepartmental group to ensure that accessibility is prioritized. The team might include experts in content, design, sales, and development.

full service QA testing team can come up with tactics like:

  • Frequent accessibility audits are performed, and any flaws are addressed as quickly as feasible.
  • The writing is simple and free of jargon.
  • The user is solely responsible for all design and decision-making.
  • When it comes to introducing new activities, accessibility is crucial.
  • Set your top priorities and prioritize them.

Develop a strategy for reaching your goals. First and foremost, recognize that accessibility is a continuous process. Your marketing and sales teams should support this approach, and it should be valued at all levels of the firm.

Laws on Digital Access

Notwithstanding the fact that the Act has yet to be updated to reflect this, the US Department of Justice (DOJ) argues that the ADA covers digital accessibility.

Additional barriers might be evaluated using digital accessibility. Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 requires all government entities to make every attempt to provide information in a format that is accessible to individuals with disabilities. If people with disabilities are unable to utilize the data and information provided by these platforms, we must ensure that they have access to alternative resources. Everyone should have equal access, regardless of handicap.

The Communications Act of 1934 was amended by the 21st Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act (CCVA), which included new measures to make current technology more accessible to people with impairments. The law’s Title II specifies accessibility criteria for televisions, television services, television programs, and internet video streaming, while Title I establishes standards for “advanced” communication technology.

With the implementation of Directive 2016/2102 in 2016, which harmonized accessibility standards across the EU, the European Union (EU) now has its own law. A directive is a form of European Union regulation that has a specified goal.


Adapting your processes and procedures to digital accessibility is a huge task. Collaboration with a team of subject matter experts is essential. QualityLogic can comprehend your requirements and safely get you to your goal. Please visit for more information and to get your starting kit.